Raising awareness of these statistics is important as we need to be aware so that we can help and support families who are right in the midst of this tragedy.
Sadly, the death of a baby is not a rare or unusual tragedy. Every day in the UK around 13 babies die before, during or soon after birth. That means nearly every two hours a family is faced with the devastation of the death of their baby.
Many charities are working hard to raise funding and help support research to help reduce this number. We were offered support by many including Sands who gifted us a Memory Box arriving the next day https://www.sands.org.uk/support-you/how-we-offer-support/memory-box it was a great help and we used many elements in the box.
"The good news is that the number of babies dying is now falling – there were 296 fewer baby deaths in 2020 than in 2019. This is a significant step forward and with your support Sands has played a crucial role in helping to reduce baby deaths, making this a priority issue for government and healthcare professionals so they can make the changes that are now starting to have an effect.
However, there is no room for complacency. Currently, far too many babies are dying and in most cases we still don’t know why. It doesn’t have to be like this and you can help us save more babies’ lives. Understanding why babies die is vital if we are to save more lives and Sands is working with bereaved parents, world-leading researchers and clinicians to find the answers. We are also determined to keep up the pressure on the Government as we need to see a much faster and greater fall in future.
At Sands we know that the lives of the babies who die can never be reduced to a statistic. While fewer babies are dying in the UK than ever before, our work continues supporting the many thousands of bereaved families. Sands is here for anyone left shattered by the death of a baby and we will continue to do everything possible to stop people having to experience such tragedy, to reduce the thousands of people whose lives are changed forever.
Please help us save babies lives in the future by supporting our work today.
Follow #SandsSavingBabies and #13BabiesADay across social media.
If you would like to access more resources or support check out the list of amazing website, charities and organisations on the Sands website https://www.sands.org.uk/usefullinks